If you want to analyze a process, industrial or not, we can collaborate in research to find the right types of analysis and tools to complete the project.

Types of Analysis

There are many use cases for data analysis systems, for which there are different types of analysis we can use:

– process efficiency analysis,

– comparisons with historical optimal moments,

– diagnostics analysis,

– predictions of future states.

Mathematical Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence

Based on the specifics of your data and application, we can research and use different technologies:

– mathematical algorithms and statistical analysis,

– neural networks, as part of AI,

– Fuzzy algorithms.


Each of them can be more suitable for your application, depending of the type of data and desired analysis (based on processes that can be mathematical described or not; historical or predictive analysis).


An important step, before starting an analysis, is to make sure that the input data is accurate. Of course, if the data is incorrect, incomplete or corrupt, no matter how complex the analysis is, the results won’t be satisfactory. This is why, at the beginning of the process, we will make a data audit.

Depending on the input data audit and on the type of required analysis, we can further use different software packages: LabVIEW, MATLAB, Simulink, in order to make the analysis.