If you want to build an automated testing and validation system for electronic devices or components, we can collaborate to complete the project, from the design phase all the way to implementation.

Typical Applications and Industries

We can help designing an automated testing and validation system for electrical and electronic devices, regardless of the size or complexity of the device. This types of systems are usually used in the late development or in the production phase, where a set of devices needs to be verified, in the exact same conditions, in order to test the level of compliance with the technical specifications.

This process of automated verification is common in many industries: electronic components and integrated circuits, automotive, medical, consumer appliances.


Laboratory hardware and software can be used for implementing this type of system, but also industrial grade equipment can be used, if the testing sequence takes place in harsh environments.

Different types of equipment are used to send stimuli and to measure the response of the device under test (DUT): programmable power supply, signal generator, digital multimeter, oscilloscope, LCR meter, thermal camera. 

All these equipment must interface the DUT and also communicate with a computer, on which a software program runs, in order to perfectly synchronize the outputs and inputs of signals, in a logical sequence, customized for the device that is tested. We use different software packages for creating personalized software applications for each device and test needed.



– Automated Testing and Verification of Circuits

– Automated Verification System for Electronic Circuits – Automotive Factory Research Center (Austria)
Automated Testing System for Electronic Modules – Automotive Factory (Germany)